TLC Assisted Living & Care Packages

TLC Assisted Living & Care Packages

What is assisted living?

Assisted living enables you to live independently and safely in your own home with domiciliary care and support tailored to your requirements. Support can include everything from changing the bed to managing medication, shopping, and personal care. Tender Loving Care provides local, high-quality care, domestic support and 24/7 careline monitoring to give you total peace of mind.

You will own a luxurious, easy-to-maintain, and adaptable new home.  Our vibrant and supportive assisted living community encourages social interaction and physical activity, which is proven to improve health and wellbeing.

Who is assisted living for?

Assisted living is for those over 55 who require support to live independently. The level of care can range from helping with daily chores, to tailored personal care to meet acute health needs. Assisted living allows you to remain in your own home and improve your quality of life, providing an alternative to a care home. It is an ideal solution for individuals who desire to remain independent and couples with different care needs who wish to continue living together.

TLC’s unique service

TLC provides a breadth of care, from daily visits to live-in care. Its specially considered packages are designed to offer you personalised care — exactly the level of support you need, and when you need it. You only pay for the care and time you require, making TLC more efficient in both the high-quality care you receive, and its affordability.

Assisted Living

For care and reassurance


Daily Visit

Our assisted living package provides everything you need to remain safe and comfortable in

your own home.  Support can include everything from changing the bed to managing medication, shopping, and personal care. It reassures your loved ones that an experienced care professional will visit you daily.

Complete Care

For all-inclusive home care


3 visits a day

This package provides comprehensive personal care in your own home to maintain your health and wellbeing.  The support delivered can include anything from domestic to the delivery of high-quality care for acute needs.

We will liaise with medical professionals to prevent hospital admissions and the need for residential care.  TLC’s 24/7 careline monitoring gives you total peace of mind.

We’d love to talk to you about your needs, call us today: